I'm sure at this point, everyone has figured out that we are expecting a new little addition to our family. This has been such a wonderful surprise, and the greatest adventure that we could ever endure. The love we have for our little boy is one that we could never imagine, and cant fathom how much that love will grow. Finding out about our pregnancy later in the first trimester has thrown us for a loop in planning. What is typically a 40 week experience is only going to be a 27 week experience for us, but thankfully the holidays fall in the midst of those weeks, which will help tremendously with material needs for our baby, as well as quality family time to surround ourselves in love.
Reaching the third trimester today means only 12 more weeks until we are able to hold our bundle of joy and meet him for the first time. People say the time goes by fast, but I beg to differ. These weeks are creeping by and seem to only creep slower the closer we get!

We both hoped for a little boy, although would have been happy either way, but when we saw the gender reveal at 20 weeks, we both shrieked in excitement! I'm guessing it was meant to be, because we had a boy name picked out for weeks and had no thought of a girl name.
A boy name was easy to come by. We had decided on the first name Bradley when we first found out about the pregnancy. The name Bradley is very meaningful for Todd, as it is the last name of his grandfather. The story behind this amazing man is truly humbling and hopefully everyone will be able to hear the story one day. Rhodes, the baby's middle name, and also the name he will go by, has no particular meaning for us, but was a name that we both instantly fell in love with.

So far, our doctors appointments have all gone smoothly and we have received nothing but healthy news about our little boy. He is growing right on track, has tested negative for diseases, and is a hyper little thing. The nurse always has to chase him around to get images of him. He thinks its a game of hide and seek from Mommy and Daddy at ultrasounds. I don't find it very funny! Ha ha. We have our next appointment at 29 weeks, on Friday, December 2nd, which is when we do a Gestational Diabetes test and an anemia test. I already found out I have -blood type, which upon research, I have read that gives me a higher chance of being anemic, which also gives us a higher change of having GD during pregnancy. Prayers of negative results would be greatly appreciated, as I already have to have extra shots for having a very rare, negative blood type. None of this is anything that can harm the baby, but it just makes stuff a pain in the butt for me!

We have daily reminders of our active baby, as he loves to party like a rock star at Mommy and Daddy's bedtime. His sleeping schedules and our sleeping schedules are opposites, and I have already started planning ways to change that as soon as he is here! Todd is still a little freaked out by feeling all his movements, but they are just a normal part of life for me now! I find it fun to play little games with him. I can poke my belly in all different areas, and he will follow my hand around poking back. Its so interesting to me that he already can respond in such a way, and that his brain is already formed enough to be able to poke me back and follow my hand around.

I will keep updates posted about doctors appointments until the arrival of Rhodes, when we can not wait to meet him ourselves and introduce him to everyone in our lives!
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